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Sat, 22 Jun


St Mary's Church Centre

‘If you go down to the woods today’ - The Millennium Wood & Stowey Wood - 1.5 miles / 1.5 hours

A gentle walk from Nether Stowey through the Millenium Wood and on to Stowey Wood, now managed by Stowey Greenspaces as a resource for the community. An opportunity to see how the wood has developed over the last year. An ideal walk for families. This walk is a Nether Stowey Health Walk route.

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‘If you go down to the woods today’ - The Millennium Wood & Stowey Wood - 1.5 miles / 1.5 hours
‘If you go down to the woods today’ - The Millennium Wood & Stowey Wood - 1.5 miles / 1.5 hours

Time & Location

22 Jun 2019, 14:00 – 15:30

St Mary's Church Centre, 27 St Mary St, Nether Stowey, Bridgwater TA5 1LJ, UK


  • Stowey Wood Walk

    Sale ended



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